A Record of Empowering Women

In 1998, Hon. Marjorie Margolies created an organization that would provide a seat at the table for women around the world. When Marjorie directed the U.S. delegation to the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, governments from around the world committed to upholding 12 areas of concern: poverty; education and training; health; violence against women; armed conflict; the economy; power and decision-making; institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women; human rights of women; the media; the environment; the girl-child.

Marjorie understood that women worldwide needed access to resources to actively engage in public advocacy, market, and political processes if they were going to ignite a long-lasting impact and change.  Guided by the core values of collaboration, empathy, inclusion, and sustainability, Women’s Campaign International was born.

A hard-working and mighty organization rooted in the collective conviction that all women deserve an environment with equity and integrity at its core, we have upheld that commitment for 22 years through our work around the globe.

Our work began with a focus on increasing women’s political participation and engaging in social mobilization campaigns to increase women’s leadership. Soon after, our programs began to expand to reflect two other needs identified by the women we worked with: economic empowerment and conflict mitigation.

Today, our initiatives focus on three main program themes: community engagement, economic sustainability, and conflict transformation. Our commitment to innovation and evidence-based decision-making has allowed us to adapt to meet the ever-evolving needs of women and girls locally and globally.

For more than two decades, we have empowered women across the globe to transform their communities, from building a youth leadership pipeline in Philadelphia and training businesswomen in the Middle East to engage in conflict transformation facilitation in South East Asia and skill-building with women politicians in Africa. Women are the future.

Where We Work

We have served communities and worked with women and girls in 45 countries worldwide. After participating in our programming, women leaders brought what they learned to projects in the highlighted countries.