We Empower Women to Change the World

Women’s Campaign International (WCI) is a not-for-profit organization that provides women around the world with the resources and tools they need to actively engage in public advocacy, market, and political processes. Our key values of collaboration, empathy, inclusion,and sustainability guide our commitment to creating a model for success that establishes long-lasting impact.

Women Are the Future

And by focusing on WCI’s four key pillars of change: entrepreneurship, public advocacy, public health, and international relief, women and girls can transform their own lives and their communities.



A core pillar of WCI’s focus is entrepreneurship. We provide women and girls with training to develop the leadership and advocacy tools that they need to thrive as business leaders in their communities. You can make a difference no matter where you come from or who you are. We help young girls realize personal power and encourage them to set high expectations for themselves through our Girls Advocacy and Leadership Series (GALS). The 18 - week program teaches participants life skills and provides them with the opportunity to learn from local women leaders and create advocacy campaigns to address community issues. more less


Public Advocacy

Every girl has a voice. WCI is committed to ensuring that every girl knows that her voice is important no matter her age or status, and encourages them to become involved in civic engagement activities like voting, advocating for change , and volunteering in their communities. WCI’s political participation training is credited with doubling the number of women in Parliament in Malawi. The effort led to our African First Ladies’ Initiative, which trained First Ladies in 18 African countries to build the capacity of their offices to be able to develop and implement sustainable projects in their countries. more less


Public Health

Addressing the individual as a whole through public health programming trains women and girls to address the physical, mental, and emotional health of the individuals they are serving and provides them tools to advocate for their health and the health of others. Programming trains women and girls to address the physical, mental, and emotional health of the individuals they are serving and provides them tools to advocate for their health and the health of others. more less


International Relief

We provide international relief for women and address the immediate needs of women and girls in times of crisis by working with grassroots organizations on the ground to aid with needs associated with war and international conflict, natural and man - made disasters, and the reintegration of women and girls into society following the resolution of these issues. In 2021, WCI established a resettlement program to support Afghanistan refugees with P - 2 and SIV visa applications along with providing monetary assistance. We also worked to mobilize similar efforts in Ukraine while recognizing the important differences between the two countries. more less

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