Since 2006, WCI has hosted a series of programs in Afghanistan focused on economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, and media in several areas across the country, including Kabul, Parwan, Panjshir, and Bamyan. Our continued presence in Afghanistan is reflective of our commitment to promoting women’s rights throughout the region, both through our programming and our community partnerships with Afghani organizations.
From 1996 onwards, Afghanistan has been in a fragile political state due to the rise of the Taliban. The effects of this delicate state has had adverse effects on the women of Afghanistan. 87% of women have experienced some form of violence, whether that be psychological, physical, or forced marriage, and 62% have experienced more than one form of violence. Our program participants and mediators have had firsthand experience with such experiences, and their bravery and perseverance.
Our Afghanistan programs provide women with the skills and resources to be empowered, independent, and resilient in the face of instability. Read more about our Afghanistan programs here.

WCI programs have included workshops, trainings, and dialogue on the Afghan… Constitution, civic participation, human rights, inter-gender communication, and leadership. Our Afghanistan initiative focuses on women’s political participation at national and local levels and mobilization of women in rural outreach projects, which aim to build the capacity of women in politics.

WCI’s Economic Empowerment curriculum equips women to take on… larger roles in household financial decisions and start their own businesses through training in business and financial literacy skills, entrepreneurship, and basic budgeting. WCI has found programs that support women’s economic ventures significantly increase women’s self-confidence, their ability to manage household finances, and ultimately impact broader social change.

WCI’s programs have been designed to meet the specific needs… of women affected by long-standing conflict, poverty and national trauma. Many Afghani women have faced violence and abuse in their lives, and WCI’s Afghanistan initiative has focused on navigating conflicts surrounding gender with regard to the Qur’an and inter-gender communication in order to mitigate violence against women.
WCI in Afghanistan
Partnered with GTZ to conduct training workshops for 143 members of Afghanistan’s National Provincial Council on themes of leadership, gender and coalition building for political impact.
Funded by CIDA, WCI organized trips for female Provincial Counselors in rural areas. Working with local Directorates of Women’s Affairs, WCI trained 60 rural women to mobilize their communities, network and strategize of gender equality issues.
Funded by the Superior School of Public Administration and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WCI led training workshops for 18 women and men members of the Afghan Diplomatic Corps, and 22 Afghan civil servants from Kabul and Herat, focusing on leadership and inter-gender communication.
Nov. 2010 - May 2011
Funded by the US Embassy of Kabul’s AWE grants program, WCI conducted a comprehensive 5-day training program for 52 newly elected Afghan women MP’s, which developed their leadership, communication and advocacy skills, and provided them with the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in their roles.
Mar. 2011
WCI held 2-day workshops on the Role of Media in Women’s Empowerment in Afghanistan in Kabul in collaboration with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. The workshops helped participants learn about the role of media as an important tool for communicating messages, improving life, and empowering women within the community
Feb. 2018
With financial support from Azizi Bank and in collaboration with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA), WCI conducted four-day workshops in the provinces of Parwan and Panjsheer. The workshops provided a platform for businesses to connect financial and banking institutions with women entrepreneurs to provide financial assistance to help Afghani women grow their businesses.
Sep. 2018
With support from Azizi Bank and in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Culture (MOIC), WCI held Economic Empowerment and Financial Inclusion workshops in Kabul, Kapisa & Nangarhar. In total, last year, 166 businesswomen participated in WCI workshops, learning how to connect to financial institutions to help grow their businesses.
2019 "I found this workshop very important – it had a significant role on my current business and during the workshop I learned how to invest and raise funds for my tailoring program. It was a lifetime opportunity for me."
– Masooma, Afghanistan Program Participant
Our Partners Abroad

Azizi Bank
The primary funder of WCI’s Afghanistan program since 2018, Azizi… Bank is one of the largest private commercial banks in Afghanistan. Through the efforts of its founder and President Mr. Mir Wais Azizi, the bank provides funding and assistance to institutions including schools, universities, and non-governmental organizations, and is committed to supporting Afghani women.
Be a part of a greater movement to empower, connect, and support Afghani women.
WCI is determined to continue our work in Afghanistan in the coming years. In order to continue our efforts, please consider donating to invest in our Afghanistan program.