Daphne is studying law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, Germany. She is half Greek and half German, and lived in Athens until she moved to Munich last fall for her studies. She has witnessed the refugee crisis firsthand in her home countries, and the stories of those around her inspire her to help. As a young pupil in Athens, she was part of the Schuhkarton (“shoebox”) campaign to leverage students in collecting much needed items for recently-arrived child refugees. As part of this campaign, Daphne often travelled to the Greek islands where there are high densities of incoming refugees.
Daphne feels passionately about victim advocacy, especially education on victims’ rights and avenues to access to justice and security. She is committed to a legal career with these aims in mind. Daphne’s dream is to fight for justice and human rights, with a particular interest in gender equality, prevention of violence against women and girls, and providing legal advice and representation to youth who are in need.